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Joseph Mattison Gravestone

Joseph Mattison's gravestone
Hackensack Cemetery Hackensack, NJ

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          This gravestone, which is at Hackensack Cemetery, located at 289 Hackensack Avenue Hackensack, New Jersey reveals that Joseph Mattison served in the U.S. Navy and rose to the rank of Captain. 

According to material researched by George Toriello, Joseph Mattison was born in Woodbridge, New Jersey on November 7, 1797.  It does not say where he lived, though he died on October 14, 1871 at the age of almost 74.  This confirms his connection to Hackensack by being buried within its borders since passing and forevermore.
According to the source George Toriello found, {U.S. Officers of the Continental and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-1900}, Joseph Mattison first service date was November 30, 1814, he would have been 17 years old just before the end of the “War of 1812”, which officially ended on February 17, 1815.  Joseph Mattison had two other service dates listed, January 13, 1825 and September 8, 1841, which was most likely his discharge date. 
Although, how long his service continuously was is unclear. 

Joseph Mattison served in the Navy as a Midshipman, Lieutenant, and Commander before he resigned from service.
George Toriello gives his opinion why the gravestone says “Captain”, “The recorded information indicates Joseph Mattison rose to be a Commander, which is one grade below Captain, in the Navy.  He may have been promoted before resignation. Just an educated guess. (Commander = 3 stripes on sleeves. Captain = 4 stripes.) Captains are generally given the command of a ship.”

Written by:
Bob Meli
July 19, 2019

Background image of Naval ships from the War of 1812 obtained from: